Where Was God?

I had a very dear friend question my faith in God right after the terrorist attack on America. Her question was simply put, "Where is your God today?"

She was very hurt, as all Americans were, so I tried not to react defensively. Since that moment I have prayed and grieved over the disastrous events. However, I believe I have the answer. I know where my God was the morning of September 11, 2001! He was very busy.

First of all, He was trying to discourage anyone from taking those flights. Those four flights had the combined capacity to hold more than 1,000 passengers, and yet only 266 passengers were aboard. God was onboard those four commercial flights providing terrified passengers with the ability to stay calm. Not one of the family members who was called by a loved one on one of the highjacked planes reported passengers panicking and screaming. On one of the flights, God was lending strength to passengers who were trying to thwart the highjackers.

God was busy trying to create obstacles for employees en route to the World Trade Center. After all, only an estimated 20,000 people were in the towers when the first jet hit. That's less than half the fully staffed 50,000 workers, and doesn't even touch the 100,000 visitors the WTC experienced per day. This was a miracle in itself. How many of the people employed at the WTC have told the media that they were late for work for one reason or another or that they had experienced traffic delays?

God was holding up two 110-story buildings, allowing 2/3 of the occupants to escape. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple upon impact.

Although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I can see God's miracles in every bit of it. I keep thinking about my friend and praying for her every chance I get. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in God. Life would be hopeless.

God was with us September 11, 2001. He still is with us. He always will be.

© Linda Simmons Williamson

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