Take my hand and walk through this world with me
A Beautiful Love Story
Sweethearts reunited after 40+ years
Please join
Phyllis Morris and Darrell Fulcher
as we exchange our vows
promising to love each other
Forever and Always, whichever lasts longest
Saturday, the tenth of January two thousand and four
Four o'clock in the afternoon
First Baptist Church
511 W. Arrington
Farmington, New Mexico
Reception following in the Fellowship Hall
Your presence at our celebration is the only gift we want.

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The Wedding Party

"With this ring"

"You may kiss your bride"

"Walk through this world with me"

"Thank you, Lord"

"Woo Hoo!!!"

"Let's go, Darlin'"

"We're outta here!"

"The Reception"

"Don't smear it!"

"To the Love of my Life"

Forever and Always

To sing along click here for the lyrics.

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This site was created with love by
pkbutterfly, Sole Proprietor
now playing "Grow Old Along With Me"
Recorded by Mary Chapin Carpenter
© John Lennon
