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Two Walks There are two walks. One is a walk of the Spirit and the other a walk of the flesh. What is the walk of the flesh? It is living under the burden of work, work and work and, then, if you work hard enough, God will notice just how hard you're working and, as a result, might love you. The walk of the Spirit is the understanding that you don't have the energy, goodness or skills to work long enough or hard enough to get God to love you. It is looking to His mercy and grace... period. Someone once said, "I am a self-made man." To which his pastor replied, "I'm glad. It relieves the Lord of a great responsibility." Along the same lines and with great insight, C.S. Lewis once said that the definition of hell is, getting your way for all of eternity. Did you hear about the preacher who went to the golf course and on the first tee, topped the ball? It landed about three inches from the tee. An eagle swooped down, picked up the ball, flew to the green and dropped it there. Then a rabbit pushed the ball with its nose right into the hole. The preacher looked up into the sky and said, "Please Father, I would rather do it myself." If you are the kind of golfer I am, if God doesn't do it, it just doesn't get done. And if you are the kind of sinner I am, if God doesn't do it, it just doesn't get done. What is walking in the Spirit? Quite simply, it is leaning on Christ. It is understanding that, if it weren't for His grace, you and I would be lost. It is trusting in God alone for salvation and for sanctification. And it is the premise from which Paul draws the conclusion: "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" Romans 8:1 © Steve Brown Use this butterfly
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