Thank You For Being My Friend

Friendship is a blessing.
It's the best you have to share,
The talents and the wisdom,
The capacity to care.

It's being there to lend support,
Whatever needs arise,
It's making sure that others know
They're special in your eyes.

Friendship is a blessing.
And, to all who have a friend,
It's one of the most precious gifts
That life could ever send.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
And don't ever forget... For even a day...
How very special you are.

I'm glad that you are my friend!!!
© Original Author

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Thank you

Maria, thank you for the butterfly

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This site was created with love by
pkbutterfly, Sole Proprietor

now playing "Bare Necessities"