Now More Than Ever...Let Us Give Thanks
Thanks for the beautiful sun and moon...
for friends and family, who didn't leave us too soon.
And let us pray for those not as lucky as we...
may they find comfort and peace from the Heavenly King.
Give thanks for waterfalls, stars and twilight,
and thanks for warm beds we sleep in at night.
Let's give thanks for the feast as we gather 'round...
and thank God for His blessings, as they abound.
And even give thanks for the day that is here.
Give thanks every second, every moment of the year.
Be thankful for the ones you hold in your soul.
Give thanks that they love you, and make you feel whole.
Let's offer thanks for our country, may we still live in peace.
Let us pray as we laugh over this glorious feast.
Give thanks for your blessings, be they big or small...
each one is special, and we should count them all.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, please remember what it means...
and let us pray for those who don't have anything.
Please remember as you sit at your table tonight...
there are those in the cold, with no food in sight.
Let's give thanks for those working in shelters all day...
feeding families, feeding children...for them, let us pray.
Let's give thanks for this nation...with its joys and its loss.
Give thanks for your freedom...for it came with a cost.
Give thanks as you gather the ones that you love...
To the Heavenly Father, residing above.
Through Him we are here, celebrating today.
Give thanks for his Love, on this Thanksgiving Day.
Of all the blessings in my life,
I count most gratefully
The special friends I know and love...
God gave them all to me.
He gave me friends for me to love,
Who love me in return,
Good friends who never hesitate
To show their warm concern.
And that's why at Thanksgiving
I'll say a thankful prayer...
That God will keep my special friends
Forever in His care.