Sunlight Is Your Name

Sunlight is your name
Filled with golden rays
Piercing through my heart
Cutting through the haze.

I've watched you grow with first a walk
Then running.............then disaster
You chose the hard way often
And the pain it took to get there.

Your voice may not be heard
Nor your blue eyes can I see
As you journey through your life
Sometimes far away from me.

The bonds between us only strengthen
As they widen, stretch, and sway
Unbreakable and unstoppable
Even on a cloudy day.

We always travel soul in soul
The two of us as one
You are my gift from Heaven
Oh soul who is my son.
© Bobbie Burnett
To email the author, please click on her name.

Please note: The author has informed me that she sang "Mr. Sandman" to her son
at bedtime and many other times.
This is dedicated to her Christopher!

To sing along click here for the lyrics.

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now playing "Mr. Sandman"
© Pat Ballard
Recorded by The Chordettes