Setting Goals

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do not destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is there will your heart be also."

Matthew 6: 19-21

What are the goals you have set for yourselves,
In the time you have left on this earth?
Is "to fill every shelf" with riches and wealth,
Your measure of personal worth?

What are the plans that you want to get done,
In the few fading years that remain?
Does pleasure and fun in the "bright noonday sun",
Top the list that you want to attain?

What is the purpose that surely will please,
You most in the years yet ahead?
Will comfort and ease in a cool flowing breeze,
Be the course down which you are led?

What is the prize that you want to claim,
As the years you have left slip away?
Is position and fame the name of the game,
And the rules by which you will play?

If all of these things were at your command,
Would they bring you a peace that abides?
O would they slip through your hand like the quick shifting sand,
That comes in and goes out with the tides?

Can what this world offers of silver and gold,
Sustain you as time ebbs away?
What worth will they hold when the last chapters told,
At the end of your last weary day?

Choose wisely, my friend, the paths you pursue,
Seek treasure that does not decay.
In all that you do, to your own self be true,
And let God's Holy light show the way.

Then when from this earth you are ready to leave,
To that land that is fairer than day,
If you truly believe then you'll surely receive,
A treasure that fades not away.
© Ken Hammack

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now playing "Only By Grace"
Gerrit Gustafson
Sequenced by Carmine Romano