The Sacrifice Of Praise

"Through Him then, let us continually
offer up a sacrifice of praise to God,
that is, the fruit of the lips that gives
thanks to His name".

Hebrews 13:15

What can you render from a heart that is tender,
Toward the One who's the "Ancient Of Days"?
Just begin every day and through lips made of clay,
You can offer Him honor and praise.

You don't have to think twice to make this sacrifice,
For He has blessed you in so many ways.
With a heart full of love, lift your eyes up above,
And offer Him honor and praise.

God sent Jesus to save you and a new life He gave you,
You from sin's shifting sand He did raise.
And He helps you to walk, plants your feet on the Rock,
So offer Him honor and praise.

He'll never deceive you and He'll never leave you,
He guards you and keeps you always.
Give you comfort for sorrow and a brighter tomorrow,
Ascribe Him all honor and praise.

If you're tired of the striving and you need a reviving,
From the world and it's dark evil ways.
Repent of your sin and let Jesus come in,
Then offer Him honor and praise.

Then go and tell others, your sisters and brothers,
Declare all His works and His ways.
In their suffering and loss, point "lost souls" to the cross,
And offer God honor and praise.
© Ken Hammack

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now playing "Praise The Name Of Jesus"
© Original music composed by Rick Founds
Sequenced by Elton Smith