On his tenth birthday a sensitive boy received ten shiny silver dollars from a thoughtful uncle. The child was very appreciative. He immediately sat down on the floor and spread the coins before him. Then he began to plan how to use the money. He set aside the first dollar saying, "This one is for Jesus." He then went on to decide what to do with the second, and so on until he came to the last dollar. "This one is for Jesus." he said.
The boy's mother interrupted, "But I thought you gave the first dollar to Jesus."
"I did", the boy replied. "The first one really belongs to Him, but this one is a gift to Him from me."
As you think about this story, recall the wonderful gifts that God has given you. The warmth of a smile, the sound of a friend's voice, the excitement of happiness when God's glory shines through in the job that you perform for Him. How would you give another gift to Him from the fullness that He has bestowed upon you today?
Loving Father, we sometimes go only the first level of giving in our lives for You. We feel if we give the tithe or speak to the stranger then we are faithful. Give us this day the joy of giving you another gift from our lives and let us realize that in the glory of Your love You continually give hope and salvation to all who call upon Your name. Please Lord, in our lives and homes today, be so gracious to us that we will give ourselves to others more and more. In Jesus' blessed name we pray. Amen.