May You Know...

May God work in you richly today....
may He give you eyes to see what He sees,
as His eyes travel to and fro...

May He give you wisdom..understanding..
and knowledge..pertaining to all things...

May He give you a heart after Himself....
may you be given discernment in
every situation that faces you...
this and every day...

May He bless you as you are coming in and going out...
and may you bless yourself in the Lord this..and every day.

May you......give yourself to Him
fully and totally with out reservation.
May you praise Him for all things..
and especially praise all things.

May you in totality and finality
receive His gift of forgiveness...
knowing that nothing that has happened in your life....
was nothing, but a stepping stone
that drew you closer to Him..

May you ask...
what the Lord can do for you...
and also what you can do for Him.

May you choose this day..
whom you will serve..
totally, fully and excitedly
without holding anything back...

May you hold AWE....
and total respect today...
May you love yourself
as you go about loving others...

When trouble comes up against you ...
may you know..this is opportunity
to praise thank Him...
knowing He will show Himself mighty and you and in the situation..

May you know...
He loves you with an everlasting love...
one that endures and hopes all things..

May you know He is all sufficient...
and life giving...May you know Him
as your breathe...

May you know Father God...
as your daddy...
the one you can run to when
you have an ouwie...*S*

May you know He is always listening
for the words that are on the inside
of you that cannot find their way...
out.. to take flight..on wings...

May you know Him
as your healer of the wounds...
placed there so many years ago...

May you know Him because of His grace...
that is always sufficient and
powerful enough to meet
the challenge you face..

May you know Him
as best friend in all the world...
knowing you are safe
in His care..

May you know...
He never leaves you nor forsakes you...
for another..with a better body...
or because the grass
looks greener on the other side...

May you know..
His ears are always turned toward you...
waiting patiently
for your words to be whispered to Him...

May you know
He gazes upon you...
with a smile in His eyes...

May you know...
there is no problem
too big for Him to handle
and that He is concerned with all
that you are concerned with....

May you know...
He loves you deeply and unconditionally...
just because you are His workmanship..

May you know...
you are not only a human being....
you are also a human becoming....

May you know....
when you were in your mothers womb......
He looked on you with such compassion...
and all the angels applauded....
at the wonderful work of art you are...

May you know.....
He has no secrets to hide
out of view from you....
He desires you know Him
fully and intimately.....
as He already knows you....

May you know...
He seeks fellowship with you....
a one on one conversation......
with a volley of words spoken....

May you know.....
it is just be yourself....
and allow to flow
freely from you....all.....
that He has deposited on the inside of you....

May you know....
Him intimately today....
and this day forth.....
© Debra McGee Trammell


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