A Living Hope
(Based on 1 Peter 1: 3-9)

When you face each tragic circumstance,
And you simply cannot cope,
Allow your soul an upward glance,
There is a living hope.

A hope not built on things you see,
Or hold within your hand,
Nor built on things that seem to be,
For these are shifting sand.

A hope not built on things of earth,
That soon will fade away,
Nor built on that of token worth,
Which moth and rust decay.

A hope not built on riches gained,
On silver nor on gold,
On status that might be attained,
From riches bought or sold.

This hope is built on Christ alone,
Bought by the blood He shed,
On Calvary's cross to sin atone,
He died there in your stead.

This hope is built on an empty grave,
Death could not hold Him there,
He rose again; New life He gave,
To souls in sin's dark snare.

This hope is built on lasting truth,
That will not pass away,
A faith that stands will be the proof,
When trials come your way.

His mercy, grace and love endures,
They far surpass our human scope,
But just believe for they are yours,
By faith receive this living hope.
© Ken Hammack

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