"My cup overflows with blessings." Psalm 23:5c
I saw them walking down Ponte Vedra beach together, holding hands. They just ambled along, touching and talking. The next day I saw another couple having lunch and holding hands as they waited for service. They sat across from each other, eyes gazing into each other's, just holding hands. The sense of touch is extremely important, say the psychologists.

In our home we have always had a special time of holding hands, and that is during the pre-dinner blessing. As we take a moment to thank God for not only the food, but we usually thank Him for other blessings in our lives, and sometimes make petitions at this time.

How it warmed my heart when my first grandson was old enough to participate in this tradition. Now, at 3 years of age, he is the first one to extend his arms at the dinner table. He sings the traditional song so many of us learned, "God our Father, God our Father, once again, once again, thank you for our blessings, thank you for our blessings... aaaaamen." We all sing with him. It isn't long into the dinner when Tanner is ready to sing the blessing again. So, as any doting grandparents would do, we participate once again (along with anyone else at the table)! His maximum at one sitting was four times! His younger brother, 22 months old now, sits in the high chair. If he begins his dinner before we do, Garrison also will extend his little hands to whomever is near him- squeezing his little finger back and forth, saying ,"blessing, blessing." The singing blessing is then vocalized, and eating begins.

How special that is; both of them wanting to thank God for His blessings, and more than once per meal! Then I realized that is exactlywhat I need to do, and more often. When was the last time I thanked God for the blessings of my relationship with Him, the gifts He has given me: a loving family, reasonably good health and spiritual growth? He has also given me physical gifts: eyes to see, ears to hear, legs and feet for walking, hands for cooking, cleaning ,knitting, and holding others' hands. Yes, the blessings in my life and my family's are many, and I hope they are in yours also. Let's take the time each day to thank Him for them.