There is a place called heaven,
That's made for you and me.
I'd like to paint a picture,
For all the world to see.

There's pearly gates, streets of gold,
And angels everywhere.
When we get to heaven,
No more burdens will we bear.

There is a choir of angels,
Smiling as they sing.
Glory, glory hallelujah,
To Jesus Christ our King.

As the heavenly choir sings,
Praises to His name.
When Jesus looks into my eyes,
I'll want to do the same.

As I walk the streets of gold,
The people that I see.
Are all the ones I had on earth,
Who were so dear to me.

So as I go into my house,
That Jesus built for me.
I look around and now can say,
It all makes sense to me.

As I look into God's eyes,
While seated on His throne.
This is why He sent His son,
To build for me a home.

When I get to heaven,
I will not know the time.
I pray God puts your mansion,
Right next door to mine.