What Is a Grandpa?

Someone who loves you, always.

Someone who will help you, always.

Someone to help you grow, mentally and physically.

Someone who will always give you a loan and probably won't remember.

Someone to walk with and hold your hand.

Someone to talk with about anything.

Someone who will always give you encouragement.

Someone to play with, wrestle with, where you will always win.

Someone to help teach you right from wrong.

Someone who will punish you but buy you a root beer float, probably before the first tear reaches your chin.

Someone who doesn't have to share the responsibility of parenthood.

Someone who will teach you the difference between video games and computers.

Someone who will make sure you don't always have to eat the right foods.

Someone who will help you get dirty and teach you how to get clean before your mom and dad find out.

Someone who can share your good and bad times and who will always try to understand.

Someone who will teach you how to hammer, drill and screw.

Someone who will teach you by example that it's okay to cry.

Someone who will read to you and watch all your favorite movies.

Someone who will teach you the real meaning of trees, to enjoy their smell and their solitude.

Someone to help you bridge the generation gap.

Someone to help you appreciate music of all types, from the 40's, 50's, & 80's to Mozart.

Someone you can sing with, no matter how poorly, and still sound like an angel.

Someone you can get lost with and still feel safe.

Someone who will make you mind and kiss you.

Someone who hopes you will want to share all of the above, and should you choose not to, will love you all the same.
© Jerry Long

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now playing "Grandpa"
© Jamie O'Hara
Recorded by The Judds
Sequenced by Bob Mace