Find The Goodness

Wishing, waiting, hoping, praying
Make it right, I plead
Please give me what I need.
"Find the goodness"

Find the goodness?
A voice so pure and clear
Speaking softly in my ear
"Find the goodness"

What a revelation!
When I'm so tired and weary
And life is dark and dreary
"Find the goodness"

That must be what I needed
A lesson I must learn
Look closer, I was heeded
"Find the goodness"

Solving problems, finding answers
Are just pieces of the whole
To learn the lesson of the soul
"Find the goodness"
© Bobbie Burnett
To email the author, please click on her name.

To sing along click here for the lyrics.

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now playing "Everything Is Beautiful (In Its Own Way)"
Ray Stevens
© 1970 by Ahab Music Co.
Sequenced by Gary Rogers